In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create a project. Projects are a great way to organize your data if you’re working with more than one client, or have specific information you want to track.

To create a project, navigate to the top menu and click the name to the left of the websites button, then select “New Project.” From here, name your project, and add a description if you’d like.

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Think of your project’s description as a place to communicate important details for the campaign, like the campaign’s objective, or the advanced operators that could be used to find its prospects.

Then, select who on your team should have access to this project to make it easier to collaborate. You can make the project available to everyone on your team, just yourself, or specific team members.

If your campaign revolves around promoting a specific URL, like a certain blog post, landing page or other piece of content, you can fill the link in here, and BuzzStream will Keep track of placements. You can choose whether BuzzStream will track placements linking to that specific URL, or to any page on that same domain. You can also choose whether to receive a backlink report every 2 weeks, and if you’d like to be notified of any placements that include “flagged words,” like your competitors names. After that, simply click Create Project and you’re ready to add contacts.