Ritika Puri

Ritika Puri is a data-lover and marketer turned entrepreneur and writer. Ritika works with content marketers to build lead pipelines and has written for Forbes, The Next Web, Business Insider, and American Express OPEN Forum.

3 Short & Memorable Mindhacks for Better HARO Pitches

In addition to writing content for BuzzStream, I also publish articles in places like The Next Web and Entrepreneur. Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is my go-to-resource for finding sources and meeting wonderful PR professionals. Through the platform, I’ve surfaced my best stories and have made hundreds Read more
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5 Dos and Don’ts of Reaching Influencers

Influencer marketing isn’t a new concept: it’s a known, timeless marketing force of nature. But digital ecosystems can sometimes make processes feel overcomplicated. Should you tweet or email influencers when you write about them? How aggressive should you be when asking someone to share a blog post Read more

Tips for Rocking HARO: Lessons from 10,500+ Pitches

Help a Reporter Out: From a writer’s perspective, it’s the best of times and the worst of times for the exact same reason—you meet tons of people. Personally speaking, I’ve met some amazing entrepreneurs, business leaders, PR professionals, and other contacts through the platform. At the Read more

Content Syndication: The Definitive, Insider’s Guide

PR, content, and marketing pros are all aware of guest posting as a valuable audience-building strategy. The challenge? You have limited time and resources, and you have to make tradeoffs between building your own blog and making contributions to partner sites. As much as you want to do both, you feel Read more

Inspire Your Next Campaign with These 6 PR Resources

One important quality top PR leaders share is a passion for learning, experimenting, and growing. Even though the field is timeless, it’s also one that evolves constantly thanks to new social media channels and communication mediums. As a result, PR leaders have to wade through lots of noise. Some Read more

6 Creative Ways PR Leaders Measure ROI

Let’s cut to the chase. The PR community is under immense pressure to translate efforts to ROI—a task that often feels daunting, nebulous, and sometimes impossible. While common sense tells us that media outreach and community relations are among the best growth-drivers for our businesses, our Read more

17 PR Professionals Share Their Best Pitching Tips

Journalists and marketers are in strong positions to help each other succeed. Marketers strive to build brand awareness by telling powerful stories. Journalists look to educate and entertain audiences about trending topics. The challenge, however, is that the media landscape is flooded -- and that these Read more
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